We sued Barnstable Police for killing a man in need of medical care by restraining him facedown and applying pressure as he struggled to breathe

On April 16, 2019, two Hyannis police officers were called to Robert Miller’s home for a “mental health emergency.” Our lawsuit alleges that although Mr. Miller had not committed a crime, did not threaten the officers, and was not holding a weapon, Officer Sean Roycroft approached him from behind and put him in a “seatbelt hold.”
Officer Roycroft brought Mr. Miller to the floor so Mr. Miller was face down with his arms under his body and Officer Roycroft on top of him. Mr. Miller struggled to breathe. He tried to lift himself up. Then Officer Roycroft applied pressure to Mr. Miller’s back “to keep him from getting up.” Mr. Miller cried out for help. Officer Roycroft and Officer Spencer Jackson eventually handcuffed Mr. Miller with his hands behind his back. Then they noticed he was not breathing. His pupils were fixed and he had no pulse. Mr. Miller died on the floor of his home due to the actions of the police officers.
For more information, read this news story: Family sues Barnstable Police Department, claims excessive force in man's death.