The wrongful conviction of Lawyer Johnson

Lawyer Johnson's self-portrait, made while he was wrongfully incarcerated
The Boston Globe published this article about Lawyer Johnson, our client who was wrongfully convicted and spent 10 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Our firm obtained compensation for him under the Massachusetts Erroneous Conviction statute.
"Where most people measure the time of their lives in forward progress, Lawyer Johnson measures his life strictly in terms of before and after. Before 1982 and after 1982. He was 30-years-old in ‘82, when a judge freed him from the prison where he’d served time on death row for a murder he didn’t commit. It has been 30 years since Johnson, the last person ever sentenced to death in Mass., was freed. And while 'people tell you that with time you can move on, I haven’t been able to,' Johnson says." James H. Burnett III. “The long, hard half-life of Lawyer Johnson.” Boston Globe April 08, 2012.