David Milton speaks about videotaping police at ABA teleconference

On Tuesday, December 4, 2012, David Milton was a panelist at an American Bar Association teleconference entitled “Videotaping Police, Wiretapping Laws and the First Amendment.” The teleconference was a continuing legal education (CLE) program attended by more than 50 attorneys nationwide, including many from federal, state, and local government entities. David discussed the status of the right to record throughout the country, as well as ongoing challenges to protecting this right in the law and in practice. The other panelists were Professor Lyrissa Lidsky, a First Amendment and media law expert at the University of Florida College of Law, and Robert Ross, a Virginia State Magistrate and former attorney for the Fairfax County Police Department. The program was moderated by Hanni Fakhoury of the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San Francisco.