Our Client Charles Wilhite Files Wrongful Conviction Lawsuit against the Commonwealth

On July 8, 2014, our firm filed a lawsuit against the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on behalf of our client Charles Wilhite, who is seeking compensation for being wrongfully convicted of murder and spending 40 months behind bars. Under Massachusetts General Law chapter 258D, compensation up to $500,000 is available to people who, like Mr. Wilhite, were erroneously convicted of a felony, maintained their innocence, and served part of their prison sentence.
Read this article in the Springfield Republican for more information about the lawsuit against the Commonwealth.
Read this article for more information about Mr. Wilhite’s story and the federal civil rights lawsuit we filed against Springfield officers Pioggia, Tatro, and the City of Springfield.
Mr. Wilhite’s two parallel cases address different issues. The federal civil rights case alleges constitutional violations by the police and the city. The 258D case is brought against the Commonwealth because state law recognizes the harm caused by convicting an innocent person; this type of case does not require a finding of fault.