Black Lives Matter. Take Action to Hold Police Accountable.

Black lives matter. We must end systemic racism and misuse of deadly force in our police departments. There are many actions you can take to hold police accountable. One set of strategies is #8cantwait, a project by Campaign Zero. #8cantwait proposes 8 policies to decrease police violence. Data shows that police departments with these 8 policies kill fewer people:
1. Ban Chokeholds & Strangleholds
2. Require De-Escalation
3. Require Warning Before Shooting
4. Requires Exhaust All Alternatives Before Shooting
5. Duty To Intervene
6. Ban Shooting At Moving Vehicles
7. Require Use Of Force Continuum
8. Require Comprehensive Reporting
Take action now by asking your city or town to enact these policies in your police department. The project’s website provides data about which policies are lacking in specific cities, as well as contact information for your mayor/sheriff, and a phone script you can use.