‘I could crush your [expletive] skull and [expletive] get away with it.’ A deep look at the Springfield police

We recommend this article about the Springfield police, which highlights our recently filed case: ‘I could crush your [expletive] skull and [expletive] get away with it.’ A deep look at the Springfield police. We represent one of the teenagers who was assaulted by Springfield police officers in February of 2016. Our client, who was 14 at the time, was brought to the ground and repeatedly bitten by a police dog. While our client was handcuffed, Officer Gregg Bigda kicked him in the face and spit on him. Later, Officer Bigda was recorded on video at the Palmer police station threatening two other boys and bragging about how he could brutalize them and plant drugs on them with impunity. Our lawsuit claims that the City of Springfield has a policy or custom of tolerating unreasonable force and other misconduct by its police officers. The City’s policies or customs permitted Officer Bigda to continue working as a police officer despite his long and well-known history of using unreasonable force against civilians.