We filed a brief supporting the right to record police officers

David Milton recently filed an amicus curiae, or “friend of the court,” brief in the federal appeals court in Philadelphia in a case about the right to record police officers in public. The plaintiffs in that case seek a ruling from the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit that the First Amendment protects individuals who videotape, photograph or otherwise record on-duty police officers. The Third Circuit covers Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey. The plaintiffs in that case rely heavily on the landmark 2011 case handled by our firm, Glik v. Cunniffe, in which the First Circuit (which includes Massachusetts) affirmed that there is First Amendment right to record police officers. David wrote the amicus brief on behalf of the National Police Accountability Project, a group of more than 500 lawyers around the country who bring civil rights cases on behalf of victims of police misconduct. You can read the amicus brief here.